Request a Proposal

Employee/Member Assistance Programs

CuraLinc Healthcare’s Employee Assistance (EAP) and Behavioral Health services, offered to client employees under the brand name SupportLinc, provide employers with an organizational approach to working constructively with employees who experience personal and work-related problems. The program also helps companies reduce health plan costs through an innovative and highly-structured behavioral health case management model.

Request a Proposal

To request a proposal for CuraLinc Healthcare's SupportLinc program, please complete the form below. If you have any questions, feel free to call us at 800-490-1585 or email us at

EAP Session Model (Check all that apply)

(Note: All SupportLinc EAP models contain legal and financial consultation, dependent care referrals, organizational consultation, a robust EAP and work-life website, the eConnect® telehealth portal, and the eConnect® mobile app. All programs also include access to worksite programming, such as critical incident response services and organizational development modules.)