EAP/MHSA Providers

CuraLinc Healthcare views our network affiliates as vital components in the delivery of world-class employee assistance (EAP) and behavioral health programs. To support the administration of these services, CuraLinc Healthcare has a nationwide network of independently-contracted clinicians that possess, at a minimum, the following characteristics:

• Master's or Doctorate Degree in Behavioral Health or Human Services
• Five (5) Years of Post-Master's Experience
• Minimum Malpractice Coverage of $1,000,000 / $3,000,000
• Current State License / Certification
• Experience with Employee Assistance Programs

If you meet the aforementioned criteria and are interested in joining CuraLinc Healthcare's EAP and behavioral health network, please call us at 800.490.1585, fax us at 847.264.5548 or email us at networkdevelopment@curalinc.com.