In addition to employee assistance (EAP) and wellness programs, CuraLinc Healthcare provides a variety of additional services to client organizations that augment the health, productivity and engagement of employees.
With dedicated international resources, and a mission for providing in-person services anywhere in the world, SupportLinc offers a single source solution for client organizations with employees outside of the U.S. CuraLinc’s experienced staff provides 24-hour, 365 day per year intake access and emergency intervention for clients across the globe.
CuraLinc Healthcare’s pharmacy intervention program, PharmaLinc, monitors the use of prescription medication and ensures that the client is receiving the most effective treatment for their condition. After identifying members who have been prescribed a psychotropic medication in a general medical setting, CuraLinc will work with the member and the prescribing physician to develop the most appropriate treatment strategy. This process results in savings, both directly and indirectly, to the employer and employee.
StudentLinc provides around-the-clock professional assistance to help students manage personal concerns, emotional issues, transition and adjustment concerns, academic stress, career development, and the demands of daily and family obligations. The program increases student retention and reduces the incidence of emergency room visits.
cCBT (computerized cognitive behavioral therapy) extends the impact range of the EAP and gives program participants a personalized digital resource that strengthens their mental health and overall wellbeing. CuraLinc Healthcare's cCBT program is an innovative online and mobile platform that offers evidence-based content, practical resources and daily inspiration to foster meaningful and lasting behavioral change. The platform provides a variety of dynamic resources that improve mental health and overall wellbeing. Personalized eLearning programs to help participants overcome stress, depression, anxiety and substance use disorders are supported by simple tools, weekly exercises, and daily inspiration in a safe and confidential environment.
Combining the services of an EAP with a disability management program can have a positive impact on both the employee and the employer. Through DisabilityLinc, CuraLinc will develop a clinically-based outbound engagement strategy to connect employees with resources available through the SupportLinc program. The program will drive shorter short-term disability durations, lower the incidence of repeat claims, and address the psychosocial concerns of members of long-term disability leave.
CuraLinc Healthcare offers an innovative managed behavioral health program that focuses on clinical advocacy and skilled management of mental health and substance abuse (MH/SA) costs. The program adheres to a thorough standard of case management and follow up protocol to ensure the best possible outcomes for all participants.